Ibrahim has recently been orphaned along with his 3 siblings. His mother tragically died from AIDs and TB. Chayah is his temporary safe haven and home until further notice from our social worker. We will gladly love and care for him as long as he is ours. 5 year-old Ibrahim has fit in perfectly with the boys which means there is just “that much more” wrestling and yelling in their quarters. This 8 x 10 room accommodates 7 boys and is packed to the gills. They don’t seem to mind, but we’re sure anxious to see them in a new bigger home by the end of the year. Ibrahim seems to love school, perhaps its the walk with his new big family that delights him most. He seems to be adjusting well and easily, but we also know that loss and grief is real for him too. Patience and time, sensitivity and the Holy Spirit will direct the road ahead. Please pray for our Social Worker and Counselor as they come along side Janet during this season of transition. God has allowed another child protection from HIV, Ibrahim, also tested negatively.